
Isaiah 6:8

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21 December, 2023




Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”

And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”


When I was a kid anytime one of the grownups was heading to the shops, any shop, I wanted to tag along! It was even better if it was just me and the grown up. The adventure, although actually quite a mundane task, like sitting in the carwash, somehow seemed exciting to me. I wonder now when I lost this sense of excitement and joy at the prospect of heading out to run errands. Today’s reading from Isaiah tells the story of someone hearing the voice of the Lord asking, “Who can I send, who will go?” Although it doesn’t specify in the text, I can picture someone with their hand waving in the air saying, “Pick me, pick me!” An adventure undertaken with and for the Lord is one of excitement and anticipation! My prayer for us all as we end this year is that our sense of joy and adventure would be renewed as we embark on a new adventure with the Lord!

PRAYER: Jesus, give me the spirit of a child who is excited and enthusiastic about the idea of heading through the adventure of like with you. When things get difficult or uncertain help me to remember that you are with me and I can be excited about that, Amen.

Today's devotion written by Elise von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle