
Isaiah 64:6

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23 August, 2022




All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;

we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.


Have you ever told yourself that one little white lie won't really make any difference? That there is really no great harm in cheating a little every now and again? That those illegal downloads don't really hurt anyone?

The thing about walking on a path or following a course, is that taking one step off the path means you are no longer on it. God's work is pretty clear on this, all have sinned and fallen short of his glory. The 'size' of our sin is immaterial, none of us deserve God's grace and forgiveness. Anyone who has done orienteering or sailing will tell you that even getting off course by a single degree can land you miles away from your final destination if you don't make a course correction.

Being part of God's plan can be like this. We need to monitor ourselves and not make light of the times that we fall out of step with God and his plans as iff they don't really matter. The good news is that God knows we don't always get it right and he has made a way for us to get back onboard with his plan, to correct our course whenever we have veered off the path; it's called repentance. Whenever we recognise we have gone our own way, God graciously allows us to turn back to him and he puts us back on the right path, the path which includes us being part of his plan for the world.


Lord God, you know all my sins more completely than I know them myself. Please help me to be aware of the ways that I get out of step with you and give me a heart that is ready to acknowledge my mistakes and bring them to you in repentance. Keep me from falling into temptation and from all harm and evil and help me to always walk in your way. Amen