
Isaiah 55:11

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13 January, 2023



ISAIAH 55:11

So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. 



Imagine being introduced to Jesus and he looks at you and gives you a new name. That’s what happened to Simon the fisherman, the day he met Jesus Simon was told that his new name would be “Cephas” (translated to Peter) which means “rock” changed Simon’s name to Peter because he saw who he really was. Jesus spoke the truth of Simon the fisherman’s identity before he actually was the “rock”, some 3 years before the fisherman became the rock Jesus would build His church on! 

We are told that before God invented time he chose us to be called family, before he spoke the world into existence he already named us as family, he already changed our identity before we existed. 

Today’s verse tells us that when God speaks his word will accomplish what he says.  

God said the fisherman would be a rock where great things could be built on, God said since before time we would be family, a family with a purpose.  



Almighty God, Before you spoke the world into existence you already had given me a name, you had already given me an identity, you had already named me as your child, I ask you to help me live the truth you have spoken even when I still feel like a fisherman. Amen. 

Today's devotion written by Danny Brock, LifeWay Westside.