
Isaiah 12:6

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17 December, 2022




Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.”


Isaiah 12 is a beautiful Psalm that stands in stark contrast to its surroundings. The nation of Israel is in a mess. For forty years they have been at war. The judgment for their disobedience is about to be unleashed. Yet in the midst of this impending doom, this song of joy rings out.

Joy is the 'however' of life! Life may have turned sour; however. Life may be hard and painful; however. Life may be unfair; however. Weeping may endure through the night; however, joy comes in the morning.

Joy is the deep trust and assurance that God is who he says he is and God will do what he says he will do. God has not abandoned his people. Despite our sin, in spite of our failings, God’s overflowing grace will triumph. His mercy will overcome.  His strong hand will rescue. His presence will bring peace. 

That’s why the Psalmist can sing with joy. For salvation has come and is coming. In Jesus, the fullness of joy becomes flesh. In Jesus, we meet our ‘however’, the one who completes every unfinished sentence of our life. The one who is Immanuel – God with us forever. That’s reason enough to sing with joy!

How does praising God in the midst of the struggles of your life, not only give you strength but also witness to others?


Lord God, in your presence there is fullness of joy. Thank you for coming and making every unfinished sentence of my life complete. Amen.