
Hebrews 6:19

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22 April, 2023




We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. It enters the inner sanctuary behind the curtain, where our forerunner, Jesus, has entered on our behalf.


Life can be difficult in the sea of life. The waves can be high, the sea rough, the boat of our lives battered and the sails torn. At times it can feel like we are the mercy of the prevailing wind, unable to navigate through, drifting along dangerously towards the rocks. Are you struggling to hang on right now? Are you white knuckled from holding on so tightly in fear? Do you feel like your marriage, your relationship, your family, your career, your finances, whatever you have put your hope in, held on to for security is in danger of capsizing, or disintegrating on the rocks?

Don't give up. We have hope anchored souls in Jesus. When storms hit and life is drifting. When we are struggling to pilot our lives in any meaningful direction, our life is still secure You don't see the anchor. But it's there, deep down in the water. It's there holding us secure. Jesus, through his life, death and ascension is the anchor of our salvation. What he has done for us, will hold firm amidst all the storms and fury of life. It is secure despite all the discouragement and fears that rise up and batter our lives. The hope which Jesus gives anchors our souls for eternity and gives us certainty that we will survive the storm, however bad it seems. Don't give up. Hang on. The anchor of Christ will hold. That's a certainty.


Lord Jesus, you are the strength of my heart, the anchor of my soul. When I am overwhelmed by the storms of life, remind me that I anchored to you for eternity and you will never let me go. Amen.