
Hebrews 3:5

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19 April, 2023




“Moses was faithful as a servant in all God’s house, bearing witness to what would be spoken by God in the future. But Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory.


'The church is not a building. It is people.' That's what the writer of the book of Hebrews is telling us unmistakably. The church is the people of God whose lives live the certainty of the resurrection, who are on the move with Jesus, the faithful Son, who dwells in their midst. In recent months, I have read quite a number of articles/posts that talk about the closures of God's house, aka Church buildings. But the house of God never closes, because it is the people of God! The resurrection of Jesus means that our bodies are now the place that God owns! As the writer tells us, unlike a servant (Moses) who prepares the room for what is to come, the Son, is alive and present now and is free to use the house for whatever he desires!

What would it mean for you to approach today with the mindset, that Jesus is living in you and he has free reign to do what he likes in his house; free to use every part of you, your hands, your feet, your voice, your mind, your heart to display his glory? What if we began today saying, Jesus make yourself at home...this is your place? Would love to hear from you what a difference that makes to let your life be an open house for Jesus! One thing is for certain, he will use every part you give him access to!


Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to you. Take over my hands, my feet, my intellect, my will, my life and use them as you choose today, risen Lord Jesus. Amen.