
Hebrews 3:1-2

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25 August, 2023




Therefore holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.  He was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God’s house.


I am familiar with most Bible heroes, but until I make time to know them and their stories deeply, they are just names on a page. Digging reveals their weaknesses, their motivations and to me they become alive. Journeying through Exodus, I can now better understand how faithfully Moses followed God’s commands. God chose Moses to lead his people out of bondage to Pharaoh to the promised land.  

God also had Jesus lead his people out of bondage to sin and the devil to a heavenly kingdom. The text says ‘holy brothers’ that is us- consecrated to God, holy in heart and mind, able to be useful by sharing God’s goodness and grace with those around us.  Moses was faithful ‘in all God’s house’, that is, following exactly the instructions regarding the tabernacle.  Jesus, too, was faithful to the Father, who appointed him, so he will be faithful to us.

What does that mean for us?  We too, need to be faithful by living life and seeking to live according to God’s will. We need to trust his leadership and provision of all we need, his wisdom in all things.  Hearing and reading  God’s word and prayer strengthens out faith for we are Christ’s ambassadors to pass on the faith to our children and to those who are yet to discover him.  May we be faithful in doing that.


PRAYER: Faithful Father God, I stand in awe of all you have created and the ambassadors you have raised up to speak your word through the generations so that I might know your will and ways and live in harmony with you.  Thank you for Jesus who was faithful and obedient to you, who made the supreme sacrifice by his death releasing me from the bondage of sin.  May I always be your faithful child and display my faith in the way I live by loving others and boldly speaking of your love and grace to the many, many people who do not yet know you or understand you ways. Amen

Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle