
Hebrews 12:14.

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24 April, 2023



HEBREWS 12:14.

Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.


Do you have a special item of clothing you like to wear? Perhaps a fancy dress or a special tie or a precious piece of jewelry. We can wear these things for ourselves, but those around us also see them. Our outward appearance says something about us to the people we come into contact with. This is true in our walk with Jesus also. We are called to be holy, set apart for a purpose. This purpose is actually not for ourselves, but rather that others will see the Lord. We are living in partnership with Christ and by allowing Him to work through us, we are able to point others to Him. What a wonderful privilege it is! Let’s put on the holiness of Christ each day, live in peace with those around us, and allow them to see the work of Jesus in our lives, which can be theirs too.


Jesus, thank you that you call me to partner with you in your work here on earth. Help me to live in peace and allow the people I come in contact with to see the difference you make in my life, Amen.

Today's devotion written by Monday Night LifeGroup, LifeWay Newcastle