
Hebrews 12:10

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27 April, 2023




They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness.


Being a parent is wonderful for so many reasons, but it can also be very hard at times. It is a constant struggle to help the little people entrusted in your care to grow into adults that are able to function in society. Kids are also little for such a short period of time, that it can be tempting to simply ‘let them by kids’ without responsibilities or consequences for their actions. However, in order to help them become adults that contribute to their world, they need to understand that not all behaviours or choices are acceptable. This is when discipline becomes part of the parenting journey. It can be a hard and painful part, not just for the child but for the parent. However, because parents are thinking of the end goal, not just the immediate experience they discipline, ‘as they thought best’. We are God’s children and because he is looking at the ultimate goal of our holiness He disciplines us for our good too. God longs to be with His children, and so for our good He ensures we can share in His holiness. How great is our eternal and everlasting Father!


Father God, thank you that all you do for me you do because you love me. Give me wisdom to understand and have patience when I am being disciplined, that I might share in your holiness. Amen.

Today's devotion written by the Monday Night LifeGroup, LifeWay Newcastle