
Hebrews 1:11

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15 May, 2023




Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.


Its my amazing wife’s birthday today and I am sure she was hoping I would get her the exact gift she wants but I can foresee that ‘hope’ being met with some level of disappointment because I am really bad in getting the perfect gift as its only happened once in 16 years of wedded bliss.

Today’s verse is not talking about the hope my wife, perhaps, carries into her birthday every year, the hope that carries the expectation of disappointment, the hope requiring the crossing of fingers in a futile attempt to somehow will it to happen.

But rather the hope talked about in today’s verse is a sure hope, a certainty of contentment, the hope for that that is beyond our greatest expectations.

PRAYER:  Almighty God, I thank you that hope placed in you is an assurance, a hope that will never be met with disappointment, help me to place my hope in you. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Danny Brock, LifeWay Westside