Hebrews 10:39

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26 April, 2024




But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed, but to those who have faith and are saved.


The book of Hebrews is written for too religious Christians. Can you be too religious? You bet. As religion can sometimes be defined as a set of rules to live by, you can certainly become too religious. 

And we often do. There are people I know who will not attend worship when the music is not what they prefer. Their religiosity has become their God. They have ignored the message that might be preached, believing that the style of worship is more important.  

We sometimes want Jesus – and something else. Jesus, plus an add-on. Jesus by himself isn’t enough for much of society. In this current life it might be Jesus- and-politics. Or Jesus-and-Education. Or Jesus-and-Buddha.

The book of Hebrews is about faith, and it deletes all hyphens. By faith, given to us, it’s all about Jesus. Nothing else. Nothing more to be concerned about. 

We can’t get too much God. We can’t get too much faith. But our well-intentioned efforts of getting closer to God by our works, will get in the way of realising what he has done for us. When things get in the way, we forget we are meant to be on the Way. 

When we know what he went through for us, we will, in faith, respond…with our good works. 


PRAYER: Jesus, when we stray from the Way, bring us back to you. When we let non-saving things get in the way, shove us back on the track. When religion becomes our God, help us to push it where it belongs – which is behind you and your message. Amen   

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping