
Genesis 50:19-20

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31 May, 2022



GENESIS 50:19-20

But Joseph said to them, “don’t be afraid.  Am I in the place of God?  You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 


Sometimes precarious things happens to us, and God allows that.  When we trust him through this time, he can use this to challenge and grow not just ourselves, but others around us.  Family, friends, our church community, the wider community, watch our behaviour during these testing times, and we are sometimes faced with a cross-road.  We can push God aside and rely on our own strength and fortitude, or we can let God lead us through this journey, and see what happens to us and others along the way. 

“God comes to us disguised as our life” was once said to me.   He is into not just what, when, how, and why we do things, but he flows in and through us, sharing himself with us, wanting only good for us.  Jesus experienced all our suffering, and so we can trust fully in him during our times of suffering. 

Can you look back on a time, where some good came into being in yourself and others through your difficulties?  Maybe its happening right now.  I hope you have experienced the faith growth possible in these times of blessing through hardship. 


Jesus, you walked the walk, talked the talk, lived the pain and suffering, and came through to the other side.  Give us courage to live our lives well also.  Amen

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra