
Genesis 18:18

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13 May, 2024




Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him.



Don’t you love it when everything seems to be going your way, when all the traffic lights are green on your way home, even your bank account is overflowing…

Yeah, it doesn’t really happen to me either but I am still blessed to bless others and so are you, even though we may feel lack.

In today’s verse we read how God was going to display his unreasonable hospitality to an old man and his barren wife after he had shown hospitality to strangers. In this we see that Abraham had already displayed the understanding that he was blessed to bless others.

During the hospitality shown towards the strangers we get a glimpse into the lacking within this old man and his barren wife; the lack of children.

In Paul’s letter to the church in Rome we read; “But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.” 

What does that have to do with Abrahams story? Paul is telling the Roman church and by extension us, that in their lacking if they surrender that lack to God they will reap the results of eternal life, which is the overflowing life in John 10:10.

Old man Abraham discovered when we bless others inspite of our lack we are surrendering it to God and experience the overflowing life.

PRAYER: Jehovah-jireh, I know you are the God who provides even from my lack, I ask for your forgiveness for the times I have not been a blessing to others because of what I don’t have, instead of because who you are. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Danny Brock, LifeWay Westside