
Genesis 15:6

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24 April, 2024




Abram believed the Lord, and he credited it to him as righteousness.


Abram was down. He was despondent. He had no children, therefore no offspring to carry on the name. He even questioned God about the usefulness of the blessings he had received, because there was no family to share them with. 

God listened (like he does always) and stepped in. In a vision, God told Abram that he would have some descendants, so stop worrying, and not fear, and stop being scared. ‘How many descendants’, you might be thinking? In this vision, God revealed that he would have lots of descendants. God told Abram to look at the night sky and set him an impossible task of counting the stars, because that’s how many descendants he’ll end up having.    

And as we know, there’s no end to space. It goes on forever. And so does God’s protection and love. And because Abram believed, he was set right with God. Being ‘set right with God’ is a way to define ‘righteousness’. It is an attribute that belongs to God, the Lawgiver. We know we can’t save ourselves, so righteousness is a wonderful gift from God to us through His love: it is the God-given quality assigned to humans upon believing in the Son of God. 

So we are righteous. Saved. Loved. Forgiven. Let’s thank God for all of that. 

PRAYER: There’s so much to thank you for God, we don’t know where to start.  So thank you for being the Lord of our lives, for being in charge, for always being there, and for everything you give us. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping