
Genesis 12:1-2

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30 May, 2022



GENESIS 12:1-2

The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.  I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.


What is the country I am called to go from?  It could be a bad habit, an hidden addiction,  a propensity for self absorption, secret greed or pride…. name your poison.  We might not have any big issues,  but put together a handful of small issues, and suddenly I see that I am not as free as I thought I was. 

God says he will show Abram a new land, make him into a great nation, bless him,  and make him a blessing to others. I think he is also wanting to  lead us out of where we are stuck, show us where to go and how to be, make us part of a growing community of believers so we are not alone, bless us with healing, gifts for service and a growing appreciation of him. 

In that mix, chaos and struggle,  I am suddenly delighted to find I am a blessing to others.  He can use even me to show his face to others. How good is that!


God, you are my Creator, I come from you, I am in you as we travel one day at a time through life. As you bless me each day, in thankfulness and praise may I also look to pass on your blessing to others.   Amen 

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra