
Galatians 6:14

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4 November, 2022




May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.


I suspect that most of us one of those friends who is not afraid to boast. You know who I am talking about, the one friend who always caught a bigger fish than you, or had a longer holiday than you, or bought a more expensive house/car/boat than you. It doesn't seem to mater what area of life you might be talking about, they just don't seem to be able to let your story stand without sharing how they did something similar but even bigger or better or more impressive that your own story.

As humans we do have a deep seated need to be significant, to feel as if we matter and have a purpose for living. This is why so many people work themselves to the bone trying to gain success for themselves in the corporate world, or on the sporting field, or in academics, or media. Part of the freedom that Jesus brings to us through his death on the cross is freedom from needing to prove ourselves.

His death on the cross clearly communicates that we matter to him. That the God of the universe paid with his own life to claim us back for himself how's how significant we are in His eyes. That is why the apostle Paul, in this letter to the Galatian Christians, boasts about the cross of Christ. Nowhere else in human history, and as far as I'm aware, no where else in any other faith or religion has the value, and intrinsic worth of humanity been expressed as clearly than through the cross of Christ. In light of that assessment, the value the world places on us is irrelevant.


Father God, pour your Holy Spirit out on me again and grow in me a heart that values what you value and loves how you love. May I never boast in my own achievements but only ever boast in the cross of Jesus, my Lord, whose death confirms the incredible value you see in me and in all your people. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle