
Galatians 5:25.

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19 May, 2024




Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives. (NLT)  


Can you hear Him now?  

For years my amazing wife would tell me I was deaf and I should go for a hearing test, I, of course, disagreed. 

Eventually I caved in and went for a hearing test where I found out I indeed had hearing issues. As it was only “mild to moderate hearing loss” the audiologist advised me not to get hearing aids.  

She asked me questions about when did I have issues with my hearing the most... did I look at people when they talked to me, did my wife look at me when she talked to me or did she try to talk to me as she was walking away or in the other room?  

Can you hear Him now?  

Would it surprise you if I said the Spirit talks to you?  

Would it surprise you if I said the Spirit talks to you all the time?  

Today’s verse is about hearing the voice/leading of the Spirit. The chapter addresses spiritual deafness, acting as a spiritual audiologist, asking questions about the causes of our hearing loss.  

Are we facing the Spirit when He is talking to us, are we walking away instead of towards His voice, are we distracted by our own selfishness?  

Can you hear Him now?  

The audiologist advised me not to get hearing aids because I didn’t see the need of them, I didn’t admit I had a hearing problem, so my denial would probably stop me from wearing them.  

Can you hear Him now?  

I can hear my wife now because I addressed the deafness and wear my hearing aids all the time.  


Holy Spirit, I want to hear your voice. I want to be guided by your call. I admit my spiritual deafness and will turn to face you and be led by your voice. Amen. 

Today's devotion is written by Westside Church Planter, Danny Brock