
Galatians 4:4-5

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4 January, 2023




But when the set time had fully come,God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship.


Many people have speculated why God came to earth in the middle of the reign of the Roman Empire. I suspect that there are many more reasons than we could ever guess at but I suspect that at least one of the reasons was the roads. One of the reasons the Roman Empire was so successful was the way in which they connected even the furthest flung parts of the empire with well maintained and regularly patrolled roads. Roads which any Roman citizen was supposed to be able to travel in safety and freedom.

So, after Jesus resurrection, his disciples were able to travel freely across the Roman Empire spreading the news of what had happened to Jesus. In a similar way, Martin Luther's rediscovery of the gospel was not entirely unique to Luther, there had been others before him who had raised som of his concerns but without access to the printing press, they could not easily disseminate their ideas like Luther did and so Luther gets most of the credit for the Reformation.

What are the things that make our time unique? What thing of God might the time be fully right for today? Maybe today the time will be fully right for that person you have been praying for to come to faith in Jesus. Maybe today the time will be fully right for God to break through in a specific situation in your life or the life of one of your friends or family. God is the only one who knows when the time is fully right so trust that he knows what he is doing even when things seem uncertain.


Heavenly Father, You have a plan which you bring about in the fulness of time. Help me to learn to pay attention and see what you are doing so that I can play my part when the time is right. Amen