
Galatians 1:10

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7 April, 2024




Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ


Here's a verse that speaks directly to some of the 'crazy' that we see in the world today. If all we do as followers of Jesus is try to please others, then we are not serving Him or his message of good news. Sometimes what we think is good news, the things the world thinks are positive and inclusive are simply a denial of the truth and they only serve to make us temporarily feel better about ourselves and to cover up or deny the truth that we are all in desperate need of a saviour.

Needing a saviour is not bad news, especially if you know that you have a saviour like Jesus. However, if you pander to every person's 'self identification, those usually refuse to acknowledge our sinfulness and brokenness and try to self-justify - without Jesus. That is not good news. The good news is that we are saved, not because of how we accepting or wonderful we are, but because of how wonderful, loving and accepting our Lord Jesus is. He is the only way that we can be remade into what we were born to be.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you that you are good news for all people. Help me to never compromise on who you are or what you have done. May I never apologise for the gospel for it is your power for salvation. Amen