
Exodus 7:1-2a

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2 July, 2023




“Then the Lord said to Moses, “See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet.  You are to say everything I command you.”


I see three promises here – God has made us able, God gives us a right hand man, God will give us the words to say.   

What is required of us is to see, to see ourselves in the image of God who has called us to a task, to see our place in the grand design of God’s plan, to be obedient as we see and recognise a call, large or small.  

God sees a need, and gives us a right hand man, Jesus, who walks our journey of life with us, who understands our fears, trepidation and insecurities, who holds the lamp that shines the way ahead, sometimes only the next step, as he teaches us trust in this adventure.

And when the time comes to act, speak, connect,  the Holy Spirit gives us the words to say, the compassion to have, the patience to endure, the empathy to act with His grace in any given situation. 

PRAYER: Jesus, may we all live in a state of willingness and readiness to speak your word to those you place before us, because we have already been made able in you, and we are in conversation with you and are open to your leading.  Amen 

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra