
Exodus 34:10

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21 August, 2023



EXODUS 34:10

Then the Lord said: “ I am making a covenant with you.  Before all your people I will do wonders never before done in any nation in all the world. The people you live among will see how awe-some is the work that I, the Lord,will do for you”


When I was growing up, family time was around the evening meal. We discussed our day, had lots of good natured banter, devotion time, and often my father’s words of wisdom. I remember the time he shared this on with us, "do not make a promise you cannot keep only God keeps his promises." 

Now God is making a new covenant with the the Israelites because they, not God, had broken the previous one.  God kept his promise and did amazing things on that journey [eg Joshua 3:10-17,6:4-5]  and the people the Israelites overcame were in awe of him.  

We live under the New Covenant initiated by Jesus [Luke 22:20] it negates all other covenants but fulfils the promises in them. Jesus’ life and death, his blood, the ultimate sacrifice, has cleansed us from sin, and we are assured of God’s presence with us now and into eternity. This, too, is awesome and we, by our lives, are to bring glory to God.  He has given each of us a unique gift to enable us to do this.  We learn God’s ways and what pleases him by reading and hearing his word and then by showing kindness to the lost and lonely, speaking words of hope to the downhearted, sharing what we have with those less fortunate than ourselves, sharing our experiences of God’s saving grace in our own lives and loving one another as Jesus loves us, our actions bring glory to God. 


PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we will never fully understand how great your love is for us, that Jesus died for us while we were still sinners and all your Old Testament promises were fulfilled. You gave us your Holy Spirit to help us understand your Holy Word and unique gifts. May we, with your Spirit’s help, use this each and every day to bring you glory.  Amen

Today's devotion written by Maureen Macpherson, LifeWay Newcastle