
Exodus 20:2-3

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15 July, 2024



EXODUS 20:2-3

 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me."


I have been listening to a podcast recently by called 'Undeceptions'. It's by a fairly well known Christian Australian Historian and Academic, John Dickson. I was listening to one episode recently called 'Everyday Sacred', where John was speaking with a couple of Anglican pastors and authors who were talking about recognising the sacred in everyday things and activities. It was an interesting discussion, well worth a listen, but it left me wondering what happens in a world that has largely decided that there is no thing as God?

How does an atheist interpret the beauty of God's creation, if they fail to recognise a creator? To whom does one turn to say thank you for the unexpected blessings that a day may bring? Where does a person go to deal with the guilt and shame of the wrongs and mistakes they have made in their lives? Whether you believe in God or not, these, and many other things besides, are all things that all of us need from time to time.

If we don't turn to God, then we are left with little option to turn to other created things. We might turn to friends and family, who might be a great support but can just as easily make things worse. Some people turn to drugs and alcohol to deal with pain and trauma, Others might find some short term relief in other religious practices, but God says in no uncertain terms and in various places across scripture that He is the only God we are to turn to.

I don't think he makes that demand out of jealousy. I think he makes that clear time and time again because he knows that every other option is going to fail us and we will only find what we need in him. If we eliminate God from our existence, all we do is create a vacuum for other things to take God's place. So will you worship and honour the one true God who has proven his faithfulness to his people, or let some other thing, person, or philosophy, take his place and be let down time and time again?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, you said all authority in heaven and on earth was given to you. Please help me to recognise your authority and to keep you as lord of my life. Help me to keep at bay all those things that would seek to take your place and help me tollways turn to you for my peace and comfort when life gets rough. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle