
Exodus 20:17

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13 September, 2023



EXODUS 20:17

"You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.”


Comparison is one of life's biggest joy killers. Someone told me a story once of a couple of newlyweds, who bought their first house together and were over the moon with joy over the 3 bedroom, single title property they managed to by in the outer suburbs. They celebrated with family and friends and hosted a 'house warming' party and felt incredibly blessed to be able to start their lives together in their own home.

Only a few weeks later, one of them bumps into an old school friend they hadn't seen for years. It turns out that the school friend has also gotten married and bought a house recently. After exchanging numbers and addresses, they agree to meet each other's spouses and have dinner together at the school friends house a week later.

Well our newlywed couple arrive at this old friends house and it is a huge, multi-storey, brand new home with a three car garage and swimming pool, easily observable from the street.

Needless to say, the joy and excitement of only a few weeks earlier at the purchase of their own house, quickly began to fade as the couple started to compare their little starter home with one of their peers. Someone who was for all intents and purposes at the same stage of life as they were but who seemed to have sooo much more.

Whether it's a house or a spouse, don't let comparison rob you of the joy and excitement that you had when you first met and thought that his person was the most amazing person you had ever encountered. Don't let jealousy or covetousness distract you from the joy and blessing you have already received.

PRAYER: Lord, help me to be content. You have already given me so much, help me not to seek to have more or better things than those around me. Help me to practice contentment and acknowledge all the good gifts which my life already contains because of you. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle