
Exodus 15:2

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3 March, 2023




“The LORD is my strength and my defence; he has become my salvation”.


This is the first part of a song that Moses and the Israelites sang after the parting of the Red Sea by God.  They escaped the Egyptians soldiers who perished as the Red Sea closed and drowned them. This song is full of past tense, recalling what God has done for them, present tense, as they declare Gods victory, and future tense as they declare their trust that God will continue to lead them to the promised land of Canaan. In reality, the next 40 years in the wilderness were full of wavering between joy in Gods provision and complaining and distrust that it was never enough. I look back on my life (as an older person now), and see the bigger picture of God’s provision, leadership, and grace despite my bouts of complaining and distrust.  Life is full of ups and downs, but we live in the present tense of God’s IS, and the future tense of God’s WILL BE, as we remember and appreciate the past tense of God’s DID.  

Prayer: Jesus, what do you want to do for me today, for myself or for others, this week, this month?  May I be receptive to hear and see it, experience it with joy, and place it in the memory box of what you have done for me, to look back on, and revisit in dark days that may come.  Amen.

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra.