
Exodus 15:11

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26 April, 2023



EXODUS 15:11

Who among the gods is like you, Lord?

Who is like you— majestic in holiness,

awesome in glory, working wonders?


These words from Exodus are God’s people, the Israelites, calling out to their God as they make their way across dry ground. They had just been released from slavery in Egypt and God, through Moses, had made their way out clear by parting the Red Sea. They were experiencing God’s awesome power first-hand and they were overwhelmed by His holiness and love for them. And yet, not too long later they are grumbling in the desert, asking why God had forgotten about them. It’s easy to wonder how this is possible, but not much has changed for us today. We, like the Israelites are wandering through life. God is always doing awesome, powerful and holy things, yet we miss them. We are often too consumed with our own needs and desires that aren’t being met. We are quick to forget the amazing things God has done for us. God IS holy, He IS Awesome, He IS Lord. That never changes!


Jesus, open my eyes today to see and understand you better. Thank you that you are always at work in my life and the world around me. There is no one like you. There is no one who is as majestic in holiness, awesome in glory and working wonders! Amen.

Today's devotion written by Monday Night LifeGroup, LifeWay Newcastle