
Exodus 12:14

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3 September, 2024



EXODUS 12:14

This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord—a lasting ordinance.


One of the things you might notice about God's promises in the Bible is that they often take generations before they are fulfilled. God made a promise to Abraham which was only fulfilled generations later under the leadership of Joshua after escaping slavery in Egypt and forty years wandering in the wilderness.

It's not that God didn't deliver on his promise, but he had a bigger plan. Not only did he promise to be their God, but he also wanted to make them his people; because of the peoples stubbornness and complaining, this took a long time. When a promise takes that long to work itself out, people need to be reminded of the promise, it needs to be passed on and remembered.

This is a big part of the problem we face as Christians in the world today. Most of our friends, families and workmates have not had the benefit of someone reminding them of God's promises. God's promises and faithfulness have dropped out of the communal memory of our society because we have not been vigilant in remembering them, celebrating them, and reminding one another of them.

How will you celebrate what God has done and remind others of his faithfulness?

PRAYER: God, we are a forgetful people. Please help me to know how to invite and encourage others to remember and engage with your promises and faithfulness. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle