
Esther 2:17

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7 August, 2022




Now the king was attracted to Esther more than to any of the other women, and she won his favor and approval more than any of the other virgins. So he set a royal crown on her head and made her queen instead of Vashti.


Talking with some people about the Book of Esther this week, someone jokingly said to me, "I didn't know that the first 'Miss World' beauty pageant was in the Bible!" And while this was said in jest, I think there is something to that idea. King Xerxes seems to be only concerned about physical attraction - he wanted to find the most beautiful woman in the kingdom to be his replacement wife, yet it seems he learned nothing from his experience with is first wife, whom he had wanted to parade around to show off her beauty, but who was ultimately a disappointment to him. He still seems drawn mostly by beauty, not by substance.

Luckily with Esther he got both. But I wanted to ask today, how often are you distracted by beautiful shiny things? How often does the promise of an instant hit of pleasure lead you to make decisions which you later come to regret? It might not be with people, it might be a tendency to go in for any 'get rich quick' scheme that enters your email, or maybe reaching for that one last chocolate eclair that you know you will have to work hard to work off later. We all have things to which we tend to cling to bring us comfort or joy, things which ultimately end up disappointing us. Don't let the pretty and shiny things distract you from Jesus, the one who endured the cross in order to win you back to himself. His love and faithfulness will endure forever.


Heavenly Father, the world you created is full of so many good things; things which bring joy and pleasure to our lives each day. Help me never to lose sight the facts that all these things are gifts from you and that you alone are the creator and giver of all things. May I always turn to you first to find joy and comfort in my life. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.