
Ephesians 6:10

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26 February, 2023




“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.”


When did you last read Ephesians in one sitting?   I love the flow of Ephesians.   Chapter 1 has Paul’s famous prayer for enlightenment, hope and power, chapter 2 has Luther's cornerstone “saved by grace, created to do good works”, chapter 3 has Paul’s prayer for insight and understanding, chapter 4 focuses on unity and maturity, leading into chapter 5, being filled with the Spirit.   The first verses of chapter 6 are about relationships with others and God, and then verse 10 starts with “Finally”.  This word pulls together the previous chapters into a conclusive “Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power”.  It is followed by the how and why – the famous armour of God passage that names our enemy and prepares us for battle, just as Jesus battled in the desert with the Enemy.  May our future direction always come from our Triune God as we move forward in his power. 

PRAYER: Our blessed Trinity of Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, may we all be strong in Jesus and live in his power, courage and daring. Amen. 

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra