
Ephesians 5:21

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11 September, 2023




Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.


It's such a shame the way we have come to understand the word submission. These days we tend to talk about being 'beaten' or 'forced' into submission. It is not viewed as a desirable state to be in. We associate it with being under the thumb or being forced to obey or do something against our will; and in an increasingly individualistic society which is driven by the pursuit of ensuring the liberty, rights, and freedom of expression of individuals, it should not surprise us that this view of submission is vehemently opposed.

Thank goodness that's not the kind of submission Paul has in mind when writing to the Ephesians. We are to model our attempts at 'mutual submission' on the example given us by Christ Jesus, who voluntarily laid aside his own interests and his own life for our sake; to redeem us from sin and death and reunite us with our Heavenly Father.

This kind of mutual submission (when done well) means I do not have to worry about having my needs acknowledged and taken care of because my partner, my friends, or my family are focussed on taking care of me. It means that my partner, my friends, and my family should not need to spend so much time worrying about their own needs being met because they know and trust that I have their best interests at heart and will endeavour to put those needs before my own.

Rather than diminishing human dignity, this kind of submission honours and affirms the inherent value of all those it serves. After all, it is this kind of love and submission which Jesus offered us which has given us the right to be called children of God.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, thank you that you chose to willingly lay down your life for my sake and the sake of all those who put their trust in you. Please help me to learn to trust you and to use my own life in the service of others so that they may also come to know of you and your love. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.