
Ephesians 5:17

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11 August, 2022




Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.


Every time we pray the Lord's Prayer, we say the following words, "your kingdom come, your will be done". When you pray those words, do you expect God to show or tell you what his will is? Or do you simply assume that you already know what God's will is?

Too often I think Christian's can assume that their plans align with God's plans. After all, we are told that God wants to bless us, right? So if I want a promotion and a pay rise, why wouldn't God want that for me? What do I do if I'm getting older and haven't found a partner yet? Didn't God say "it is not good for man to be alone?" Surely God want's me to find "the one". Often we are happy to acknowledge God's hand at work when things go well, but are quick to claim he has abandoned us when things don't work out the way we thing they should.

Remember, above all else, God's plan, God's will is to draw you closer to himself. When we understand that, we might just find that the trials and challenges of this life are not as pointless as we first thought.


Lord Jesus, it is often too easy to assume that you want the same things for me as I want for myself. I pray that you would make me a person like King David who was described as a man after your own heart. Align my will with yours so that I might always seek your will in my life. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle