
Ephesians 4:3

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15 February, 2023




Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.


Maybe I'm showing my age a bit today by this next comment, but I can still remember a time when people used to be able to disagree without having to become mortal enemies; a time when people could have a discussion from different perspectives on an issue without resorting to personal attacks and seeking to hurt each other.

In his letter to the Christians in Ephesus, Paul acknowledges that there will be differences among us, among any community made up of diverse people. However, he gives us two tasks on which to focus.

Firstly to keep the unity of the Spirit. This is essentially putting aside my own agenda and taking up the purpose and call of the Holy Spirit of God first and foremost. When each of us do this effectively, then we become united in purpose and focus. Secondly, We are to seek to maintain a bond of peace. This simply means when differences do come up between us, we do not need to immediately go on the offensive and seek to destroy any opposition to our way of thinking. Rather we should continue to love and respect one another as Children of God and seek to maintain positive relationships and open communication.

Remember, in the Kingdom of Heaven power and strength are not what wins they day, rather sacrificial service and love for others is the most powerful weapon we have.


Lord Jesus, continue to renew me and your church around the world by the presence of the Holy Spirit. Draw us closer to you so that we might more accurately reflect and transmit your presence to the world. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle