
Ephesians 2:19

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29 July, 2022




So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household,


Have you ever felt like you just don't fit in? That no matter what you do, no matter how much you try to break into a group, to form deeper friendships, that deep down there is this overwhelming feeling you get that you just don't belong. If you have ever moved from a city into a small community, you may have felt it. If you have ever moved from one church to another, you may have experienced it. If your kids have changed schools, you may be acutely aware of it. But the inherent need to belong, to be a part of something greater than yourself lies within each of us. When it comes to your walk with Jesus, are you living like an insider or outsider? Are you living as one with full access and privilege to God and his abundant blessings or are you still trying to prove to God that you belong or fit in?

Paul tells us today that we do belong. We have been brought into a family where we are included, loved, and embraced by God. We are not just tolerated, put up with, or treated with politeness. We are welcomed and given access to everything that God has. He has moved us from being outsiders to insiders. He has made us privileged people. Earlier in the chapter, Paul tells us that once we were outsiders, once we didn't fit in, once the reality is that we didn't belong to God. But Christ has changed that. Christ has gone out of his way to come to us, die for us, and make us a part of his family forever. Always included. Always embraced. Always welcome. Always loved. You belong forever. May that be the reality in which you go about your day today.


Lord Jesus, thank you that by your grace, I always belong to you and with you. Work through me to help those I meet today experience a love and belonging that only you can give. Amen.