
Ephesians 2:10.

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23 January, 2024




For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.



I remember this story about my great grandmother being told at family gatherings. She was a new bride when the Lutherans in the Carlsruhe district began to build their church, the men had skills to mostly construct the church and fittings and the women made the paraments with fine stitching and embroideries. One day she was looking at these beautiful embroideries when the pastor joined her and she expressed her sadness at not having the skills to help.  “Eleanore” he said “ God has given you the work of serving, I have seen you making sure no one was thirsty or hungry, I saw you looking out for the children. God ordained these works before you were born. Every work ordained by God has equal value and we are to do it with love in our hearts. He has another work for you, as long as you are able you are to put a glass of water on the pulpit each Sunday in  case I cough.

My grandparents died before I was old enough to fully understand or ask questions, other relatives treated it as a good story to be told at family gatherings. Interestingly the way it was told is how I recounted it above; no one ever added to or omitted from it but isn’t that what today’s text is saying to us?

This verse carries through the theme from Ephesians 1:3-6, we are God’s perfect workmanship and he, from before time began, appointed works for us to do. We do them willingly to show our love and obedience to God, we do them because we love our neighbour and want to share the love of God and hope for the future with them, we do them because in God’ sight all works are equal no matter how humble or earth shatteringly grand, we do them because God first loved us.



Loving creative God, I can hardly plan a week without a hitch, but before time began you had planned every detail of creation to perfection, even to appoint each person the works you had for them.

Forgive me when I wondered at the value of the work I was doing, didn’t see the results I expected, grumbled or wasn’t fully committed.  Help me understand the special work you have for me and may I do it with a loving heart and to your glory. Amen.

Today's devotion is written by LifeWay Newcastle member, and Jesus' disciple Maureen Macpherson.