
Ephesians 1:10

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2 December, 2023




 to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment—to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.


The last bit of this verse is the best; ‘to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ’. Unity. All things. On earth. Including wars.  Because there are some terrible wars at the moment. The war in the Ukraine continues, but we don’t hear much about it, because the war in the Gaza strip is taking the headlines.

No one wins a war. 

Apart from praying, what can do about it? 

Here’s something one of the LifeWay members did recently. He attended a Jewish synagogue with a Jewish friend. They were amazed. They were astounded, that a Christian would come and share their space, and pray for peace with them – because that’s what they did.     

We start the season we call Advent tomorrow. This is the season to prepare for the birth of the Prince of Peace. As the silly season encroaches on us, stop and remember the reason we celebrate this time of year. Slow down and think about the baby born into a violent world 2000 years ago. Find the time to recall that wonderful story that marks the beginning of the rest of our lives. 

We too are called to bring unity to the world. Give it your best shot.   

PRAYER: As we begin the rush to Christmas Lord, give us the peace that only you can give, to help us cope with the craziness at this time of year. Keep us focussed on you and your message and help us to try and not let other stuff get in the way. Amen  

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping