
Ecclesiastes 5:10

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17 March, 2023




Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.


Do you have that drawer or cupboard, you know the one I mean, the one filled with ‘things’. The one that you promise yourself you will go through one day, discarding the things you no longer need or want. Maybe it’s your closet, or garage. The things in this drawer or cupboard or room were all once things you really thought you wanted or needed. Perhaps you saved for them, or justified their purchase to a spouse or parent. Yet, here they sit, long forgotten, hidden away. That’s the trouble with ‘things’ or money, we are never satisfied with what we have. As the writer of Ecclesiastes warns us, there is never enough, what you were sure would make you happy or fulfilled one day, sits at the back of the cupboard the next, replaced by the next shiny thing. The only thing that satisfies is Jesus. He is the living water that satisfies, the hope and joy that fulfills. He is the greatest gift!


Jesus, help me to cast my eyes to you, not the shiny things that vie for my attention. Help me to find satisfaction in the little things of each day, a sunrise, my next breath, a smile. Help me to put my trust and faith in you, not in the things of this world, Amen.

Today's devotion written by Elise von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle