
Deuteronomy 31:27

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20 July, 2024




 For I know how rebellious and stiff-necked you are. If you have been rebellious against the Lord while I am still alive and with you, how much more will you rebel after I die!


She was a sweet, faithful lady, in her nineties and nearing the end of her life. She had asked me to come over as she was troubled. As we sat in her lounge room, enjoying a "big tea' on her best Wedgwood china, she said, "Pastor, can we plan my funeral service. I'm afraid that my girls who haven't spoken to each other in years, will fight over what to I would just rather work it out with you now." So we did just that...and we prayed together...and she prayed for her she did every day...that they could put their difference aside. All she wanted was to have a family gathering together, mum and her girls...that hadn't happened for over 20 years.

When this lady passed away six months later, it was even worse than what this gracious lady had predicted. But it wasn't a fight over the funeral service...when I met them the day after mum's death, they were fighting over the share left to them in her will. The fight continued before the funeral service and I had to pull them both into a side room for a chat about their disgraceful behaviour.

Moses is nearing the end of his life, a life where he has led God's people through some amazing times like crossing the Red Sea, and some difficult times, as they wandered in the desert for 40 years. He has seen the people of God proclaim, "God everything you have said, we will do" to seeing them form all their jewellery into a golden calf. And as he nears the end, he knows that despite all he has done, that for some, nothing will change. In fact that their rebellion will get worse So does he give up? No. He faithfully finishes what God calls him to do.

That's a tremendous encouragement to all of us. There will always be rebellion, this side of the Jesus' coming again. There will always be those who refuse to hear and believe and live the way of Jesus. Things may even get worse. But what God calls us to is faithful obedience to his ways, to living fully by grace in our relationship with him, to continue to speak the truth of his life, which alone brings fullness of joy and eternal blessing, to complete what he has called us to do. What happens next, we leave to God.


God, keep me faithful to you all my days, for all I want, all I need, is to dwell in your house forever. Amen.