Romans 5:3

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13 January, 2022




Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;


As a teacher one of the biggest lessons I have taught my students year after year is to endure and not give up. I have often found myself saying to them ‘Anything worth doing is hard work, it will take time and effort.’ When we stop and think about it we know this is truth, but often we become frustrated and defeated when things don’t fall into place quickly. We can have an aversion to suffering. In some ways this seems logical, I mean, who wants to suffer? But, in Romans Paul tells us to glory in our sufferings. Why? Because suffering produces perseverance. He goes on to explain that perseverance produces character, and character, hope. Suffering is a part of life and sometimes a part of our faith walk, but rather than avoiding it, if we can remember that there is purpose in suffering, and through it a deepening of our faith and trust in Jesus, then perhaps we can begin to glory in it.


Jesus, I know that you endured great suffering in your life. You didn’t run from it though, instead you saw its purpose and endured it. Help me to remain close to you in my suffering, that it might grow my relationship with you. Amen.

Today's devotion provided by Elise von Stanke, LifeWay Youth and Family Ministry Co-ordinator