Hebrews 6:15

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10 June, 2023




And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.


There is so much for us to learn from the life of Abraham. He was a man who moved his entire life, and family on the basis of a promise from God. And while Abraham certainly saw God deliver on his promise to give him and his wife an heir, most of what God promised, was only fulfilled long after Abraham had died.

I think this verse is also funny because if you know the story of Abraham, he and his wife didn't wait patiently. In fact, they got tired of waiting for God and took matters into their own hands.

But despite all this, God still delivered on his promises. Sometimes, despite our patience, we need to be just that bit more patient, but always trust that God keeps his promises.


Dear God, you are faithful in all your promises and perfect in all of your ways. Forgive me when I lose patience and complain that you are not doing things according to my schedule. Help me always to know that your timing is perfect and to trust you more completely. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle