Colossians 4:5

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25 November, 2023




 Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity.


Someone said that every day and every hour, walk around yourself and watch yourself, and check if your image is a seemly one.  Otherwise, you may have sewn an evil seed in someone’s heart. We need to be careful, that is, wise in the way we act toward outsiders. We need a system that tells you at all times who you are, and it would give you directions to your desired end. To live wisely, we must consult our Jesus not just occasionally but every day and every hour.



Lord Jesus, you are full of grace and truth. By your Spirit, may your grace and truth guide us today. Help us to live wisely, depending on you always. Prayer In Jesus name, Amen.\

Today's devotion written by Francis Leung, LifeWay Epping