
Colossians 3:15

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29 September, 2024




Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.


Sometimes it's had to be thankful for family.While family can often be a place of safety and acceptance, that safety sometimes causes us to behave in ways towards our family that we would never even consider behaving towards our friends or workmates.

The key to addressing this issue is here in this passage from Colossians and is repeated in other ways in the other letters of Paul. We are members of one body. Yes that is in regards to the family or body of Christ, which is the church, but it also applies to individual family units. Sometimes the behaviour or choices of children cause their parents grief and consternation, and while discipline and correction are necessary, to enact those things with the peace of Christ in our hearts promotes and encourages the 'oneness' of the family, rather than positioning parents against children, or husbands against wives, of brothers against sisters.

Remember when one part of the body is struggling or unwell, all the other members of the body are also impacted. So let us be led by the love of Christ in our families and promote a peaceful and calm approach when the body (family) hits a bump in the road. Handle it together, with the peace and love of Christ as the focus.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, you have made us all members of your body and united us by your Holy Spirit. Help my family to love and care for one another so that others may know that it is your peace and love that make us able to work together and love each other, even when we inevitably end up hurting one another. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle