
Colossians 2:8

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28 October, 2022




See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.


We live in a world full of false teachings that believe Jesus Christ himself is not unique; that he is just one among many manifestations of God.  That any belief in a divine power is valid, that any god can be served because they all contain truth that will lead us to the same destination. These false teachings would have us believe that the simple truth preached by Jesus and preserved in the gospel is not enough. That we need more to be saved, whether it is our work or effort or contribution. It is a tragic thing when people who have been liberated by Jesus Christ, could contemplate submitting themselves to a new and disastrous slavery.  But sadly, we do.  We listen to the lies of the world.

Pray for Jesus to give us the discernment to reject any teaching that tells us we need something more than the teaching of Christ and the words of the gospel.  Pray that we might claim the truth of the Word alone that the triumph of Christ alone is all we need.


Lord Jesus, help me to know the truth of your Word, that I may daily reject anything that is not from you, for you are all I need today and always.  Amen.

Today’s Daily Verse is written by LifeWay’s Chinese Pastor, Francis Leung.