
Colossians 2:15

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5 November, 2022




And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he [Jesus] made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.


I remember as a young Christian boy listening to an audio track, I'm not sure you could call it a song really, by the Christian artist known as Carman. It was called 'the Champion'. It narrated, with background music and sound effects, a battle between Jesus and Satan which Jesus ultimately wins through his death on the cross. It sparked my imagination as a young boy and allowed me to visualise, albeit in a very un-theological way, the victory of Jesus through the cross.

I'm not sure if there really is any better way to make a spectacle of your enemies than to allow them to think they have defeated you and even put you to death and then to pop back up three days later and put them all back in their place. But the victory does not just belong to Jesus. He invites us to share with him in the victory.

That means that when we feel like things are getting on top of us, when we feel oppressed or attacked by the evil one, we can claim Jesus victory as our own and disarm those powers and authorities. However, remember this, that while Jesus death on the cross was the means by which his victory was won, it is actually the love he displayed for us by dying on the cross that is the ultimate disarming factor. We will also disarm our opponents when we refuse to fight with them but instead continue to show them the relentless love of Jesus.


Lord Jesus, help me to demonstrate your disarming love to all those around me, especially those who want to do me harm or who oppose my faith in you. Give me the courage to stand in the victory of your cross, knowing that you have already won the victory over everything that could truely harm me. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle.