
Colossians 1:9-10.

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22 February, 2025




So we have continued praying for you ever since we first heard about you.  We ask God to give you a complete understanding of what he wants to do in your lives, and we ask him to make you wise with spiritual wisdom. Then the way you live will always honour and please the Lord, and you will continually do good, kind things for others.  All the while you will learn to know God better and better.


Whilst living overseas, I needed to find something to help me unwind … One of my fellow teachers had been talking about volunteering at a Handicapped Children’s Orphanage (I know this is not the correct term in todays society, but this is what it was called back then) and invited me along.  It was love at first sight.  I’d found my niche.  During those five years of my time in Vietnam, I spent the last four years, most mornings visiting those children, showering them with love, crawling around the floor with them, laying in bed with them, encouraging the workers and earning my place in their lives.  Some of these children became “my kids.”  We had English lessons, art lessons, and outings to the beach and zoo.   One day I was allowed to take Bao, a 14 year old boy, severely paralysed, and in a wheel chair, who had never been outside the centre since he’d been dumped at the gate many years earlier, to the barber across the way. Oh! The joy and excitement such a small outing caused.  He laughed and babbled the whole time, trying to direct the traffic, and telling the barber he charged too much.  All the time the Holy Spirit was working in me and through me, not only in reaching out to those less fortunate, but opening those hearts and minds of the locals, to accept that its ok to show love, kindness and acceptance to those who are different.

I believe we were made on purpose, we were made for a purpose, and our purpose is to know God and to give God away.  This adventure was meant to be.  That door was opened for a reason and I had to be obedient and enter it and share God’s loving kindness.  Something I will never regret.  Once again, God had opened the door for another growing period.

Paul wrote these words to remind the Colossians (and us) that this knowledge has to do with obedience. It’s spiritual wisdom, meaning that it is of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks through Scripture and what He says is to be put into practice. Spiritual wisdom isn’t about knowing what God's word says, it's about learning to trust and obey what it says.

PRAYER:  Abba father.  Please help me to grow in wisdom, and for my life to reflect your glory.  I want others to see you shining through me.  Fill me with your love and light.  In Jesus name. Amen 

Today's devotion written by Noeline Brock (Danny's Mum), LifeWay Online.