
Acts 8:12

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10 April, 2024



ACTS 8:12

But when they believed Philip as he proclaimed the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptised, both men and women.


The book of Acts is among one of my favourite books of the New Testament. It is full of incredible and miraculous stories of God at work through the early church. Healings, visions, jail breaks - it sounds like the faith of the early Christians was an exciting and expectant faith the kind of faith where people expected God to be at work through them.

And while all these miraculous signs and wonders were a part of the experience, here in chapter 8 verse 12, and in numerous other places in the book of Acts, what we see most of all is the apostles faithfully doing one thing - proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus. Peter, James, John and Philip; Paul, Silas, and Barnabas, these guys did not do miracles, God did miracles. These guys faithfully and prayerfully proclaimed the gospel and when they did that God affirmed what they were saying by demonstrating his power and many people came to Faith in Jesus and were baptised.

Since the ascension of the risen Jesus, God has continued to be at work in the world through his word and by his Spirit, both of which are alive in us, his people. If you want to see people being healed in the name of Jesus, if you want to see people being delivered from spiritual oppression and addictions in the name of Jesus, then get busy proclaiming the good news - that's our part. When we faithfully and prayerfully do this, as the first apostles did, God, by the Holy Spirit will affirm what we say in the hearts and minds of those he is calling to himself and work the miracle of faith.

Do not be ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to all who believe, and to those who will believe as they hear it proclaimed by God's people across the world.

PRAYER: Lord God, Heavenly Father, the first apostles and the early Christians seemed to have such zeal and dedication to proclaiming the good news of Jesus. Please help me to develop that same kind of passion and zeal for sharing the good news with others. May my life also be one which is dedicated to proclaiming your good news so that others might come to faith in you and be baptised into your kingdom. Amen

Today's devotion written by Mathew von Stanke, LifeWay Newcastle