
Acts 4:31

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8 March, 2023



ACTS 4:31

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly. (NIV)


Have you ever been struck with dread with the thought of actually sharing your faith with someone? You know, the question of what would I even say triggers maybe a mini panic attack as you question your abilities and wonder how the Acts church ‘spoke the word of God boldly’ when you would be worried that you would probably speak the word of God poorly?

Well today’s verse answers the panic inducing questions and will provide the life-hack to  speak the word of God boldly. The life-hack to speak the word of God is simple and honestly is probably a life-hack you can use in life in general.Write this hack down; “Its not about us, its all about Him!”

Did you notice the order of occurrence in the verse? They didn’t speak the word of God boldly and then the Holy Spirit showed up but first they prayed inviting God to do the work through them and then they let God shake the place!

Let me tell you a secret hack I use as an introverted, stuttering church planter on a daily basis; I wake up every morning and ask God to use me and then I go out and expect God to shake the place. Sure, what happens most day isn’t as impressive as what happened in today’s verse but that’s ok, it doesn’t mean He is not shacking the place, the shaking is not my job, the praying and turning up daily is my job, the shaking is God’s! 

One final hack I use every chance I get; live with hospitality, shout someone a coffee, invite a family over to your house for dinner, share your life with someone when you tell them you went to church on the weekend and then allow God to shake the place.

PRAYER:  Holy Spirit, I ask you to use me today. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Danny Brock, LifeWay Westside