
Acts 3:6

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9 March, 2023



ACTS 3:6

Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” (NIV)


Are you the type of person who reads the last page of a book first so you won’t be surprised at the ending? Those people actually exist but I am definitely not one of them, I like the surprise ending, especially the tearjerker ones…

A quick Google search came up with the answer that there are 8447 examples of hospitality in the Bible. We are told to practice hospitality to strangers, foreigners, family, friends, and other believers. I would even put forward the claim that the second part of Jesus’s answer to the question of which is the greatest commandment is the template of hospitality to “Love your neighbour as yourself.”

I ended yesterday’s daily verse post with the challenge of using the ‘life-hack’ of hospitality to ‘shake the place’ without knowing what today’s verse was so I was ‘shaken’ when I read it.

Acts 3 is the story of Peter and John’s encounter with a “Lame Beggar” who would be carried to the temple gate every day to beg for hospitality. The beggar asked Peter and John for money as they were about to enter the temple courts. Peter instantly shows hospitality to this beggar who would face indifference and disregard daily. Instead of ignoring him or dismissing him offhandedly Peter recognises this stranger as a human requiring acknowledgement, he looked him in the eye. The simple act of acknowledging a person is the first step of hospitality.

But, here is the part of the story that left me shaken. Peter almost apologetically tells the beggar that he doesn’t have any money but then offers this man what he does have, Jesus. 

Hospitality always has a surprise ending especially when its given in the name of Jesus

PRAYER:  Almighty God, I thank you for calling me to partner with you in sharing your grace with others through hospitality. Amen.

Today's devotion written by Danny Brock, LifeWay Westside