
Acts 3:25

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8 July, 2023



ACTS 3:25

“And you are heirs of the prophets and of the covenant God made with your fathers.  He said to Abraham, ‘Through your offspring all peoples on earth will be blessed.’


We have our fore bearers, or ancestors, seemingly randomly thrown together yet living their lives and having children, who had children, who eventually had us.  We look back with amazement at the hardships and difficulties they survived and the joys they experienced. 

Now there is us, here in the moment, trying to live our lives for God, being in him and him in us, within all the complexities of just being a human being. 

And then there are the generations ahead that will exist because we existed.  We pray our children will remain faithful to God, we see our grandchildren and the rapidly changing world they are growing up in and we feel left behind.  

But our task is pivotal, how does, or will, that upcoming generation see us?  Do they see our absolute trust in God throughout our ups and downs?   Do they see a vibrant living faith or rote religion?  Do they want what we have, that something different about us that shines through as faith in action? 

PRAYER: Jesus, guide us to be a blessing to the generations that come after us.  May they see you in our lives, and want a taste of that.  Amen 

Today's devotion written by Barb Niczynski, LifeWay Illawarra