
Acts 3:16

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22 April, 2024



ACTS 3:16

By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see.


Do you have faith in anyone’s name? A person’s reputation – if honourable, relies on their good name. If a job is to be completed, we’ll often ask someone who we can depend on to complete that task, meaning that we have faith in their name. We trust their work ethic and believe the assignment will be finished well. The same things occurs when we seek someone’s opinion. We’ll often ask someone who’s name we value.     

Peter is the author of today’s text. While Jesus was walking the earth for those three years, Peter was a head-strong impulsive bull-at-a-gate type of follower. But after Jesus had left earth and sent his Holy Spirit to assist the church planters, Peter came to the fore, and was then full of confidence – especially when preaching to a bunch of people like he was here. He was telling them that the healing that had just witnessed, was done by faith. Even though the listeners saw this miraculous restoration of health at the hands of Peter and John, they are being told that it is faith in the name of Jesus that did it. 

Do you have faith in the name of Jesus? Is he your default when things go awry? Often, we’ll try and fix something ourselves when God is wanting us to ask him. So go ahead. Ask away. He’s waiting.   

PRAYER: Father, help us to rely on you for everything. Help us to call your name when we’re doing it tough, and praise your name when things are going well! Amen  

Today's devotion written by Mark Simpfendorfer, LifeWay Epping