
Acts 2:5-6

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5 June, 2022



ACTS 2:5-6

Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men from every nation under heaven. And at this sound the multitude came together, and they were bewildered, because each one was hearing them speak in his own language.


Can you imagine what it was like to be there?  Don’t you wish you had been there?  That you could have seen what happened to have caused such a reaction, that transformed fearful disciples in the moment and filled them with power and courage and boldness to go. The sound of rushing wind. The tongues of fire. The speaking in tongues.

You don't have to imagine. For Pentecost is happening in our midst. The people were not amazed and astonished at the sound of the wind, the flaming tongues of fire, or the foreign languages that were spoken. They were amazed because they heard the mighty acts of God in their own native language. They heard the story of God connecting with and becoming one with their own story.

Every time we have a moment where we experience grace, or love or hope touch our life in a real way, Pentecost happens. Every moment we experience courage, gentleness or peace, the Spirit is speaking to us in our native language. Every occurrence of mercy, forgiveness or reconciliation that touches our lives is when we 'hear' the Spirit in our own tongue. It's a Word that one current worshipper heard that has him coming back again and again wanting to hear more. It's what prompted one online person to write an email and say, "I so enjoyed this morning's service. It really touched my heart and it all sank in.' It's what prompted an elderly woman in her 90's to reach out and say, "Today I experienced peace for the first time in over 20 years.' That's Pentecost. That's the power of the Word to speak in a way that will amaze and astonish you as you hear the deeds of God's power in your "native' language, the language that transforms your heart. How is the Spirit speaking to you today? What are you hearing that amazes and astonishes you?


Holy Spirit, rain down, Come and speak in words that I can hear that my heart may overflow with joy. Amen.