
Acts 2:42

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2 February, 2024



ACTS 2:42

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.


If 'vibrant community' were a dish on a restaurant menu, then this verse from the book of Acts would be the recipe. And while it seems like a pretty simple recipe there is perhaps a little more to it that what you might think at first glance.

These days, when I hear people talking about this verse, I often hear them talking about 'dedication to the teaching of the apostles' as a commitment to going to church and listening to a sermon. Now don't get me wrong, I love when I get feedback that God has used a Sermon I've put together to speak into someone's life or heart, but that's only a small part of what it means to be dedicated to the apostles teaching. Think about it for a moment, the teaching of the apostles is what we have recorded in the books of the New Testament and most of their teaching was about helping people to recognise that Jesus was the fulfilment of what God had promised in the Old Testament. Dedication to the apostle's teaching is more than just listening to a bunch of online preachers preach, it's about being dedicated to reading and understanding the word of God and doing that together. So the first and main ingredient in vibrant community is the Word of God

Breaking of bread is often understood as receiving the Lord's Supper in this context and I'm sure that is true, but these people did more than that. The phrase 'breaking bread' was and still is commonly used to describe the sharing of hospitality, usually including a meal. They met together, ate together, and in many cases, lived together. So the second and third ingredients are spending time together, or perhaps more accurately sharing life together and generously expressing Christian hospitality toward one another.

Finally, prayer. I think prayer is how God flavours a community, it is what brings the vibrance to the community. Through it we have real time connectivity and communication with God. As we come to him in prayer he leads and guides us, in real time, through the processes we need to to experience to become more of what he intends for His church, His people, to be.


Lord Jesus, help me and my church to be dedicated to your word, to living and sharing together in your grace and in bringing our cares, concerns, and praises to you in prayer. Make us a vibrant community that draws people into your love and grace. Amen